DAIC “Wizard of Oz (WOZ)” Database

Selected data from the larger “Distress Analysis Interview Corpus (DAIC)” developed by ICT. Audio recordings with extensive questionnaire responses of clinical interviews conducted by an animated virtual interviewer “Ellie,” and designed to support the diagnosis of psychological distress conditions. For more information please click here.

Interactive Arbitration Guide Online (“IAGO”)

Developed by alum Dr. Johnathan Mell, IAGO is a platform for designing computer agents (AIs) that can negotiate with humans in a variety of game types. For more information please click here.

ICT Rapport Dataset

Contains audio-visual data, transcriptions, and annotations from interactions between an automated agent telling a story about sexual harassment awareness to a human listener. For more information please click here.

Lectures & Interviews

Dr. Jonathan Gratch

“Expression Recognition ≠ Emotion Understanding: Challenges Confronting the Field of Affective Computing”

From October 2020’s International Society for Research on Emotion, “Emotion Science of the Past and Future” Webinar Series.